Retreats offer opportunity to set aside time for encounters, reflexive thinking, setting priorities straight, re-charging and energising; also, to discover how to release championship and abundance through faith-trading. The concept ‘faith-trading’ (kerdos in Greek) refers to gain, advantage, or to profit. In a sense, faith-trading retreats implies both reflexive journey and choice, as one decides to leave behind and/or to replace the existing with abundance and championship, as one moves ahead.

Champion abundance retreats for:

• Couples contemplating marriage
During this retreat, couples will experience faith-trading insights that will offer insight and skills pertaining to intra-couple communication, tackle issues along the way, and bring you closer together. As each couple is unique, retreat content will focus on the uniqueness of each couple.

• Married couples
Couples who have need for marriage enrichment retreat, will experience its design, nature, focus and content non-threatening. As each couple is unique, retreat content will focus on the uniqueness of each couple.

• Gap-year teams
Organisers of Gap-Year Programmes might be interested to include a retreat with focus on resilience of self-relations©. This retreat has purpose to enable insightful understanding of the nature of one’s resilience of self-relationship and how to apply techniques to ensure a positive self-concept as well as sustain effective self- and other relations.

• Liaison and arrangements:
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